CSDA Screen Capture
(for Alpha Five)

Use the CSDA Screen Capture! 
Isn’t it time you stop wasting your time?
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Purchase the CSDA Screen Capture


The program is licensed to an individual or Company Name, and is tied to the machine name of your computers, as is Alpha Five.  Each license may be installed on up to 3 computers, but they MUST either have the identical computer name, or be 1 of 2 machine names specified at purchased time.  In any case, it is licensed for 1 concurrent use.  

If a 2nd machine name is not specified at purchase time, it will use the current machine name and an incremented version of the machine name.

It is recommended that for the 3 machines, your portable computer use one machine name, and computers at work and home both use the same computer name.

If you replace your computer, make sure your new computer changes the machine/computer name to the same as the computer it replaced and the license number will continue to operate. License numbers for new computer names will require a new purchase.

When purchasing, please be sure include the network "computer
names" for each licensed copy, and the Company or individual name it will be licensed to.

To get the computer (machine) name, start Alpha Five and select the menu Help, About Alpha Five...  Enter the listed "machine" name(s) in your order.   Repeat for each machine and license being purchased.

Download the program and documentation from the links below.
Your license #'s will be sent to the PayPal provided email once your order is processed

(Processing and sending of your license # can take as long as 24 hours.  If not received in that time, please contact us directly at support@csda1.com)

CSDA Screen Capture
for Alpha Five
Computer (Machine) Name 1 & 2:
Licensed to:
(Company or individual Name)
Purchases coming soon!
Payments: Check, Money Order, PayPal, Credit card (via PayPal)

Payment may be made by Checks or Money Orders drawn
on an USA bank or US Postal Service and payable in USD to:
Computer Systems Design
61 Cheryl Lane
Waltham, MA  02451-2185

Please include your email address and Windows computer name for the license


To run the program, download the Self-Installer or Zip versions and install
To use the full program, you must have one of the following
  • A evaluation trial license number, or
  • A purchased license number
Any other use will operate place a watermark on all screen captures
CSDA Screen Capture Self-Installer (self-installer exe - includes pdf documentation - installs to all A5 version 6 and up)
CSDA Screen Capture Zip  (zip version - includes above documentation - requires unzipping and running A5 to open installation database. See documentation for more details.
CSDA Screen Capture Documentation
Acrobat pdf documentation file
CSDA Screen Capture Demonstration
Flash demonstration video - Not Available yet